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Page where you are now is entirely dedicated to passion,
which can be collecting the china from the most significant porcelain factory in Silesia.




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The following table lists is dedicated to Polish-language studies about beautiful Reinhold Schlegelmilch porcelain.

Opinions expressed in this table are only the thoughts of the author.

Album Autors Non-objective eye
TILLOWITZ PORCELANA - Silesia - TU£OWICE PORCELIT Œl¹skie Wydawnictwo ADAN pod redakcj¹: D. Emmerling, J. Filipczyk, J. Zydek, A. Zydek Over 80-page book development, containing about 200 porcelain exhibits since the production begining to the times of "Porcelit Tu³owice". What is the uniqueness of this album? It is primarily the largest collection of figures photos that were produced in Tillowitz (Tu³owice) before 1945. The study can also learn about the history of the factory and review the collection of several dozen marks. Obligatory copy of every collector !!
Od Tillowitz do Tu³owic M. WoŸniak, E. WoŸniak etailed descriptions will be soon available !!!
Leksykon znaków firmowych œl¹skich fabryk porcelany 1820-1952 I. Gatys, R. Gatys etailed descriptions will be soon available !!!
Znaki firmowe fabryk porcelany i fajansu na Œl¹sku, w Wielkopolsce i na Pomorzu od roku 1795 do dnia dzisiejszego S. Siess-Krzyszkowski Ketailed descriptions will be soon available !!!
PORCELANA - ZNAKI WYTWÓRNI EUROPEJSKICH L. Chroœcicki etailed descriptions will be soon available !!!
CERAMIKA TU£OWICKA KATALOG ZBIORÓW J. Filipczyk- Topolnicka etailed descriptions will be soon available !!!
NAJWY¯SZA JAKOŒÆ PO PRZYSTÊPNYCH CENACH ŒL¥SKA PORCELANA OD ROKU 1820 Pod redakcj¹ Markusa Bauera etailed descriptions will be soon available !!!
ENCYKLOPEDIA ŒL¥SKIEJ PORCELANY I. Gatys, R. Gatys etailed descriptions will be soon available !!!

Soon more reviews.


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